Since September, Oakridge Secondary in London, Ontario and Apex High School in Apex, NC have been sister art schools! We have been working on the same sketchbook assignments and even collaborating on projects.

One day we learned that Oakridge had been stalking us on google maps so we decided to return the favor.

One of the easier ways to work together with a sister school is to both work on the same sketchbook project. One of the first sketchbook projects we choose was the no portrait self portrait. For this sketchbook assignment each student created a work that represented themselves.
In order to share the assignments between the two countries, we set up a joint Facebook page and called it
OPEX ART. This way we could all join, post photos, and share comments about each other's projects.

Here is an example of another joint sketchbook assignment. The students were given an unfinished K. Haring drawing that they then had to complete.

The first true project swap we did was portraits. Apex was working on value scale so Oakridge took photos of their students using strong lighting for us to use as references. We shared files using the free file hosting service
Mediafire. Afterwards we posted our drawings on the
Opex Art page.

Later, when Oakridge was ready to work on portraits, Apex provided the photos. Oakridge used pastels to create expressive impressions.

Another project was a postcard exchange. Both schools created postcards about their town, state or country. Then we filled envelopes and snail mailed them to each other.
Thanks to the Apex PTSA, we also were able to send Oakridge some Apex swag. Here you see Oakridge looking pretty sweet in their new Apex gear.