
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Write Your Own Art History Quiz...

Doesn't it seem silly that the teacher puts out all this Art History information and then gets to decide which questions should be on the quiz? Wouldn't it make more sense if the students decided what part of Art History they wanted to learn? I did... and thats when I decided to start letting the students write the quiz questions. Here is how it works...

I ask everyone to write a question but I do pick the top ten. I think this helps encourage them to write interesting questions. I take photo's of their questions and LCD them on the board.

Here are the top 10 quiz questions from our unit on Northern Renaissance art. Take the quiz. See how well you do! Answer key below.

The Quiz:

1. (above): Who is the painter that can be identified by ominous skies?

2. What are two characteristics of Mannerism?

3. Where did Caravaggio get stabbed?
(Note: the class was quick to point out that Caravaggio wasn't the stabbee but the stabber. Also, this is a Baraque question so the answer will come next week.

4. Best Greek painter?

5. Durer apprenticeship?

6. What is the world's most frequently stolen work of art?

7. He couldn't think of a question but I put it on the quiz anyway ;)

8. What was ironic about Durer's rhino?

9. How can you tell the artwork was created by Durer?

10. How many ears does the lamb in the Ghent Altarpiece have?


1. Who is the painter that can be identified by ominous skies?
El Greco

2. What are two characteristics of Mannerism?
Twisted bodies and going off the page

3. Where did Caravaggio get stabbed?
Caravaggio stabbed a man in the groin over a tennis bet.

4. Best Greek painter?
El Greco!

5. Durer apprenticeship?
Goldsmith. This is the standard answer to almost any Renaissance artist. 

6. What is the world's most frequently stolen work of art?
The Ghent Altarpiece

7. I'm not sure what the right answer to number 7 is.
We'll find out on Monday when we self grade the quizzes.

8. What was ironic about Durer's rhino?
He never saw one.

9. How can you tell the artwork was created by Durer?
His crazy signature!

10. How many ears does the lamb in the Ghent Altarpiece have?

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