
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Post Modern Principles

Giraffiti - 
"For this project, I exhibited postmodern principles by creating a hybrid of text art, juxtaposition, and artists steal. But mainly hybridity and text art, this giraffe has the letters in "giraffe" as its spots."

For this unit, Artists Incorporate Postmodern Principles, students were encouraged to explore a range of post modern trends in art. Some of these trends included juxtaposition, time in art, text as art, Net art, and new media in art to name a few. Here are some of the works and the student's own words.

Text Art ..
"What I created was a frame capturing the reality of our society. How they tear us all down on our self image, that no matter what it's never good enough."

"My project was a painting of the Taj Mahal based on the principle of appropriation. I took a famous monument that is actually completely white in real life, and made it my own by adding a a variety of colors such as purple, pink, yellow, green, blue, turquoise, black, orange, red, etc."

Text Art
"This project, although unfinished, has been a wonderful test of my focus. I took lyrics from Mac Miller and am creating a portrait, drawn in written words. The shading is done by letters/words/lines closer together and the light spaces are done in lighter pencil to create depth."

"Carrying on from the last project of essential question I finally finished my painting of downtown Apex. It just worked out that it fit the next project of Post Modern Principle as Artist Steal. I stole the painting technique of Van Gogh's Starry Night but instead painted downtown Apex."

"In the original piece of art there is a hear balloon. I decided to take that and turn it into a balloon with a real heart attached to it. I chose to do this because I really like Banksy's work and wanted to do something with it."

"My project represents juxtaposition by layering the dark gray skull with the brightly colored flowers. I also incorporated juxtaposition in the mediums because the skull is graphite and the flowers are soft thread. The bright, soft, warm flowers encircling the skull make the viewer understand that although skulls may be creepy or dark, there is an element of beauty in the human body and its form."

"I wanted my final product to look like the text style of the other words, but that made me nervous that maybe it was illegal since it could throw off where to go in an emergency. To do this, I knew I needed something that would 100% come off, so I decided to use chalk. When I found out chalk paint was a thing, I used it to better get the effect of a painted look for my project."

Text Art
"The text I used to make this piece was lyrics from love songs and also messages between my boyfriend, Cole, and I. My two best friends just moved away, and he has been so helpful to me and my grieving in this time of loneliness that I'm experiencing. "


  1. If you and/or your students get sick of my perpetual compliments, just let me know.... I'll stop... maybe. Stunning works of art again.

  2. Amazing art works! Which age are your students? They are very talented!
