
Saturday, December 20, 2014

A Look Back at 2014!

As the New Year rings in, here's a look at some of the greatest moments of 2014.


As the New Year rolled around in 2014, our blog rolled out it's 500 post! To celebrate, we asked former students to compiled a list of Apex Art's 75 Most Memorable Art Moments! Here's a look at the first three...

1. Last year a rabbit peed on someone's real fur scarf, pretty ironic.

2. There was a bottle of Elmer’s glue, a pencil, and a hot glue gun (which was plugged in and hot) sitting on the table between me and another student. Mr. Sands walked up to it, hot glued the pencil to the bottle and say, "Look, its art!"

3. Student asks "Does hot glue wash out of hair?"



In Febraruary we rooled out the Art of Apex Portal. The Art of Apex Portal is an online Knowledge Management Repository responsible for the distribution of inspirational ideas and tutorial based learning...

Wait.. What? Oh, sorry. Let me try that again in english..

The Art of Apex Portal  (currently in production) is a website where students can find art inspiration and easy to follow online tutorials. The Portal is divided into four sections. Read about all four sections here.



In March, our Art History class was up and rolling. I Was trying to think up a good review game for Art History class and Ms Purtee said, "Why not ask the students?" 

In Art History, the students already write the quiz questions so it only made sense to ask them what game we should play for a review. The first paper I turned over read, Battleship! I knew I had a winner! 

Read all about Art History Battle Ship here!



When April rolled around we had an exhibit at BLAKE STREET SHOPS & STUDIOS:

Art with Words, 6 to 10 p.m. Runs until April 25. This show celebrates words in art and the art of typography. We'll be exhibiting collage work by Hoop&Stick, digital art by Ryan Miller, giant modern paintings by Joe Wright, and textual elements by the students of Apex High School.

Check out more Text Art here!



While HannahJessica and Rachel were working on their chalk mural in the courtyard, a teacher approached them about working on a mural in her room. She teaches computer classes and said that for years she'd been wanting to paint a mural in her room to help make the technology classes more appealing to women. She explained that women make great programmers but they often don't chose that course of study because they feel uncomfortable in that environment/ feel as though they don't belong . 

Check out the full mural story here!


While everyone was lounging by the pool soaking up the rays, the crack team of educators were back at Apex Art headquarters diligently constructed an amazing program for the next fall. Elaborate flow charts scrawled across the whiteboard as hot topic ideas spurred fervent debate. 

So what's so amazing that it became the focus for next year's curriculum? Units! But these aren't your Mamma's Art Teacher's Units!



Melissa Purtee, Kimberly Sudkamp, and Ian Sands spent two days taking part in a think tank with the quest of re-imagine the NCMA's Teens Inspired program. 

The think tank encapsulated two ideas. First, brainstorming ways to transform the Teens Inspired exhibit into a more student centered approach. Second, developing ideas for connecting two schools using the NC Museum of Art as a hub. Read the whole story here.



So one August morning, around 4:30 AM, Ms Purtee sent Mr Sands a text. It read: Let's have a Task Party today! So Mr Sands, who never, ever likes to change plans and always follows the plan was obviously hesitant but Purtee was persistent and then when Ms Sudkamp got involved  Sands finally agreed. 

Read all about our first TASK Party!



In September we completed the first of our new Artistic Behavior units. For the final project in our unit Artist Observe, the students were tasked with creating a work of art based on observation. Topics included still life, scientific, figure drawing, landscape.. to name a few. Here are some of the other things that went on... click here!



In October some people might have been wondering where all the art teacher were one Friday... They went to the NC Art Education Association Conference in New Bern, NC. And not just hanging out but presenting as well!

Check out the whole story here!



By November, the Units were in full swing with Artist Solve Problems. 

click here to read what students say they learned...



Somehow Ms Sudkamp talked me into thinking that Artist Destroy would make an interesting topic. she was right and in december we asked students not to create, but to destroy art. Here is what they did...

Happy New Year Apex!

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