
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Artists Solve Problems: Part 5

Blog post stolen from Melissa Purtee's Blog -->

So, new unit "Artists Solve Problems". I'm in love. We kicked it off with this awesome TED Talk (are there un-awesome TED Talks?). The goal here is to teach my students to understand that sometimes the things that limit us can inspire our greatest work. BIG stuff! We're also working on the idea of identifying problems, then finding solutions. So, because I care, I gave my little artlings a problem. Art 1 students had to figure out how to make art out of newspaper. And, because I'm crazy, I didn't give them any examples - we reviewed some ways they've learned to plan but they had to find their own ideas.  Here's some of what they did - and this was just a three day assignment!

Watercolor, cut newspaper flowers and coffee are all part of this work.

This DNA strand was a collaborative effort.
Newspaper Blackout inspired this collaborative work. 
News paper cat! 
This collage involved experimenting to get the desired effect in the background.

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