
Friday, September 19, 2014

Artist Observe: Final

For the final project in our unit Artist Observe, the students were tasked with creating a work of art based on observation. Topics included still life, scientific, figure drawing, landscape.. to name a few. Here are some of the things going on...

Above, charcoal drawing of hands.

She decided to observe and capture on film the personality of her family through photographing feet.

A pastel illustration of a friend's car. Almost complete.

The final bee illustration from the sketch in the previous post. Painted from life.

Final acrylic candle painting, observation of light. Drawn from life.

 Using oil pastels, she wanted to capture the folds of the fabric in this dress.

He dropped ink into a jar water and observed how the ink suspended in the water. He then created a series of charcoal drawings.


  1. Love the variety of ways that students approached the assignment! Do you find students more readily find a unique solution to the projects now that you've been using choice for some time now?

  2. Nice work - love the personal self-inquiry!

  3. Wow! Love the ink observation turned to charcoal drawings, love the shoes, love them all... Just wow!
