
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Text Art: (just about) Complete

art of apex

Above: Winnie the Pooh. This 3D sculpture uses a book and sculpey wrapped in text.

The first round project, Text Art, which is one of the only projects everyone in class was required to complete, is just about wrapped up. If we hadn't had so many snow days this week, we would have presented them on Friday for out first Feel good Friday critique day... ok, so lets try that again next Friday.

In the meantime, here are a few of the (just about) completed Text Art projects.

Many students tried their hand at Blackout Poems as short, 1-2 day challenge projects before diving into their final project. Here is one of those poems.

Not completed yet but I like where it's going. Nice contrast between the warm and cool colors as well as the organic curls and geometrical symbols. She told me what it says but I forget :)

art of apex

Pathing text can be challenging but this piece does a great job especially displaying movement as is evidenced in this black and white version and also depth as is displayed in the version below.

Same piece as above only colorized.

This took an incredibly long time to assemble... and about 15 seconds to burn completely. Below is the video of it burning...

I like the design sense used in this work. The angles of not only the words but also the background.

The person on the swing reading a book, carved in a scientific book. Begs the question, what is the person reading?

It reads: "Silence Speaks Volume"

This project took a lot more to complete than either the student or I expected!

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