
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

ANOTHER 12 Days of Photoshop!!

Last season, we released an exciting way for your students to review many of the Photoshop tips and tricks they learned in Computer Art class. We called it the 12 Days of Photoshop! Each day for the 12 days leading up to winter break, students were asked to complete a task. They only had one day to think of an idea and create it in Photoshop. 

The response to the 12 Days of Photoshop was so overwhelmingly positive that we decided to introduce another 12 assignments! And guess what? The Art of Education Online Magazine posted the entire 12! Click here to read the article and see Another 12 Days of Photoshop

Here are a few examples from the new set...

Day 1: True Identity:Be it a reflection in a puddle or a shadow on the wall, the objective is to use Photoshop to show an image’s true identity in its reflection. Perhaps you’ll show a wolf in sheep’s clothing or a kitten dreaming of being a lion. Be clever because the true self can only be seen in the shadows!

Day 8: Edible Architecture:
From Ms Sudkamp's class... Have you ever been so hungry that you could’ve eaten a house? Well, with this assignment, you might just be able to! Design a house made out of food. Consider who might live in this house, where they are from, and what type of architecture would be involved.

Day 9: Virtual Graffiti:Using spray paint to graffiti a wall is totally illegal. Using Photoshop to make it look like you graffitied a wall? Totally legal! In this assignment, the students will try to create, as convincingly as possible, a tagged wall or photo of a train.

So click here to see all 12 projects on Another 12 Days of PhotoshopWe hope you enjoy and that you have a very Merry Photoshop!

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