
Monday, October 27, 2014

Artists Solve Problems: Part 4

(Above, using only Skittles to create a work of art)

Our latest unit is Artists Solve Problems. Previously, we've looked at problems artists face due to circumstances that out of their control. Like Phil Hansen and the TED Talk, Embrace the Shake.

Recently, we looked at limitations artists place on themselves in order to create art. These include material limitations, physical limitations and conceptual limitation.

 Each Apex artists was asked to create a work of art that contained a limitation of their choosing. here are a few of the pieces currently in works...

Material limitation, creating art using Cheerios

Creating art using only circles.

Creating art on the stairs.. localized perspective can only be viewed from one angle.

Drawing things that scare you in the dark without being able to see.

Etching in wax.

Painting using finger prints.

Creating with hockey sticks.

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