
Friday, July 30, 2010

Twitter and Quizzes on the Fly

Here is the set up:

Asking my art history students to twitter potential quiz questions using their cellphones during a presentation and then giving them a quiz on the fly and seeing instant results using my new einstruction CPS clickers and software.


1. Each student will have a Twitter account set up so they can tweet using a mobile device
2. The class has a Twitter account ApexHSArt
3. eInstructions Classroom Performance™ System (CPS™) clickers and software

While presenting a PowerPoint to my art history class, I will ask that they tweet potential quiz questions using the hashtag #apexhsart.

At select points during the presentation, i have embedded Twitter using the SAP PowerPoint Twitter Tools. Using the hashtag search allows me to see my student's tweets.

At this point, assuming the students submit decent quiz questions, I can on the fly ask a multi choice or true false question. I can quickly type the answer choices into the eInstructions CPS software and ask the question verbally.

Using the clickers, the students can answer the question. Again using the CPS software, i can show the class their answer results as a graph or as individual scores.

Of course this is all a theory that works well in my head.. :)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Twitter in the Art Room

Last semester, I incorporated twitter into my classroom. I decided to start with my Art History class and set up a classroom account.

Using twitter was optional however, I took the class to the computer lab and had each student set up an account. I also showed them how they could receive and send tweets via cellphone.

To encourage the students to check their accounts, I posted quiz tips and questions prior to the quiz. I tweeted about everything from interesting links, to homework reminds, to upcoming tv programs, to art history related events ...

I also embedded twitter to my powerpoint slides. The idea was to allow the students to use their cellphones to tweet during presentations. This didn't work out as well as I had hoped however, it gave me an idea. Next semester, I will ask them to tweet possible quiz questions that they think of during the presentation. Then at the end, we can look at the tweets as a review. Plus, if the questions are legit, I will incorporate them into our quizzes.

Next semester I would like to expand the use of Twitter to include not only my Art History class but also my Art One class. I was wondering if any of you are using twitter in your classrooms and if so, which practices have proven successful and which haven't.

I'd also appreciate any ideas/suggestions that you think could work well in an Art One class.

Comments welcome below -->


Ian Sands